Would you rather a double portion of luck or a double portion of courage?
a double portion of luck (124%) Your vote
a double portion of courage (-24%)

As it currently stands:
Most people would rather a double portion of luck than a double portion of courage.

People are split on who would prevail in an arm wrestle between Superman and the Incredible Hulk.

Would you rather have a flower, an insect or a library named after you?
a flower (30%)
an insect (33%)
a library (38%) Your vote

Most people would rather have a library named after them than a flower or an insect.

If you were a professional athlete, would you rather be bad enough to be famous or average enough to be anonymous?
bad enough to be famous (40%)
average enough to be anonymous (60%) Your vote

If a professional athlete, most people would rather be average enough to be anonymous than bad enough to be famous.

Would you rather be stuck in a booby trapped elevator with MacGyver or Batman?
MacGyver (43%)
Batman (58%) Your vote

Most people would rather be stuck in a booby trapped elevator with Batman than MacGyver.

If Superman and the Incredible Hulk were to arm wrestle, who would win?
Superman (50%)
the Incredible Hulk (50%) Your vote